Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Unhealthy Equations

When I am sick, I eat. When I eat, I eat a lot. When I eat a lot, I get pissed at myself and I toss out all the work I have been doing to try to drop weight.
This morning I weighed myself and guess what?? Last weeks sick spell along with skipping training and eating myself silly, I have regained the weight I was losing. I am now, as of 8:00 am this morning, back up to 198 lbs.
Guess what else?? I woke up feeling much better than I did yesterday. I still have a bit of a cough but at least I have my energy back. I think I will hold off on any official training until maybe Wednesday or Thursday.

So far today I have eaten...

Breakfast: 1 Banana

Snack: 1/2 cup of sticky rice, 4 clementines (3 are still waiting to be eaten), and 1 more banana

Lunch: 2 tomatoes with crumbled feta cheese and salt and pepper

Dinner: Left overs from my sisters Birthday (corned beef and veggies) How Irish is that???

The possibility of going on a run tonight with Dempsey is pretty good.

1 comment:

Logan Ryan Smith said...

you should give bulemia a shot.