Monday, July 13, 2009

things to film

pat, dressed in a pigeon costume, pooping from a 3rd floor fire escape into a shot glass. we will need multiple angles for this.

neighbors. this will be a series of 30 second introductions to the non existent show that stars pat and i as bff neighbors. one will be us coming coming down stairs, saying hello and then realizing we are wearing the same shirt. oops. or pretty much anything cheese and blissful and neighborly and bff-ish that can be captured in 30 seconds.

friend montage. this is going to be a commercial for my friends and i to try to get more girls to hang out with us. (everyday c, i swear, we are so on the same page. we were briefing this thing out all weekend.) basically it's going to be the after school special of commercials for my friends and i. it's going to be rad.

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