Monday, November 15, 2010

Spring Schedule

F SC  53   Bldg. Construction and Fire                    3.0  33501 001 Lec  T R  08:00-09:30AM                      

F SC  62   Rescue Practices                               3.0  37972 001 Lec  T R  11:00-12:30PM       

F SC  64   Fire Behavior and Combustion                   3.0  33620 501 Lec    R  06:30-09:30PM       

Plus 25-30hrs/week of work with Spinnaker/Rendezvous Charters. 
I'll also hopefully have a few twelve hour shifts working part time on an ambulance.
I'm also applying for local fire department cadet programs.  These programs consist 
two twenty four hour shifts a month.  Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed that
I come out the other end alive and well.  See you next summer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew! You are really busy and will be even bussier next semester it seems. Stay alive and well. Mombo