I say happy eat-and-drink-all-the-cheap-deep fried-artery clogging-greasy-finger licking- delicious food-and-beer-you-can-get-your-hands-on day! So, with this sentiment in mind I'll tell you a little about the things I ate yesterday.
Breakfast started off with a bowl of cheesy doritos and a couple giant cookies.
Lunch was soon to follow with a few pieces of popeye's chicken, biscuits and cajun fries.
Snacks were, well, more popeye's, cheese and bread, chips and bean dip/nacho dip, quiche, empenadas, and more popeye's.
Dinner was a tube of pringles and more cookies.
Needless to say I woke up this morning feeling less than tip top so I decided it would be a good day to try to keep up with my lunchtime run. The image above is my route. It was a brisk run. I wore my short swim trunks. I know that they are a bit too small but I like that. It reminds me not to give a damn about what other people think. Now I'm back at the office finishing up my lunch with some salt and pepper cashews and a chicken salad.
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