Monday, January 12, 2009

This weekend marks the end of my alcohol consumption....for January.  I will remain sober for the next three weeks.  I'm not worried about my drinking habit ruining my life.  Sobriety will probably reek more havoc on my social life than beer and wine and tequila and fernet ever did.  I'm doing it to get a bit healthier, save a bunch of money and to be a bit more productive on the weekends.  I feel like too many weekends were wasted sitting in the park drinking beers.  I own a raft and would much rather spend my weekends on the river in the sun with no shirt, no shoes and no problems.  Anyway, we'll see how it goes.  


Anonymous said...

Go Jamesycakes! Smart idea! Mombo

Logan Ryan Smith said...

you and brandon, both. yr both completely fucking bonkers.